Thursday, June 26, 2008

Government Boleh! Malaysia Boleh!

Recently received a govt job.... again... :(
It's not that i dislike govt job, just that i dun like their attitude towards job, and their "ability" to abuse their GOVT POWER.

Like always, they will keep changing their mind till last minute, and tot we are the "Event GOD", can make everything (no matter big or small) 100% PERFECTLY under their unreasonable changes.

2 weeks before, they confirmed my services to do a launch for them.
2 days later, they "decided" to change the items that confirmed in the confirmation. From Plasma Wall 2 x 2 to Projector and screen.

Then i have to do site recce again.

2 more days later, they "decided" again to change Projector to Plasma wall 3 x 3!!!

Ok.... settled this issue (for the time being)....
They come out with another issue.. :'(

2 days ago they confirmed the backdrop visual (20 x 10), signed & chop with govt lion chop.
so i pass the visual to production house to print.
2 hours later, they called to inform the ministry logo is wrong! (what the h*ll! their own logo also can wrong!), but luckily my printer not yet start printing, then i change the visual for them without charging them.
On that evening, received their visual again, with signed and chop (AGAIN!), and proceed to printing.........
About 7pm, they called again, "the backdrop size can change to 18 x 10 ar?"
(cannot lar... already agreed and send to print.)
"macam ini ar... ok lar, i saja tanya."
SAJA tanya!!!! i think i need to use one of the dialog in "Just Follow Law" : You thought i am very Frreee ar??

The story not end yet...
They called me this morning... "eh! morning micky!..."
(Morning morning... )
"the visual ar, ada sikit changes lar.."
"itu ministry punya logo kena up sikit lar... " * UP means tinggi sikit
(But already printed-out over the nite...)
"tak tau lar... you kena solve it lar..."
(tapi bukan sudah signed dan confirmed?)
"signed itu signed, tapi atas cakap nak ubah u kena ubah lar..." *ATAS means his boss

"ada lagi ar, PM punya wife may be nak datang juga, mungkin nak tambah dia punya nama, you standby you punya printer bagi saya, saya confirm malam ini, besok print."

Oh my GOD!


  1. you should send this to Pakatan that they can reveal how purchasing cost is abuse... everything out of control, of course people quote government project at very high price. really apll...

  2. hi, when surfing the net, just drop by. All the best. :)
